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Breon is an actor from Detroit who was visiting friends (he calls them his second family) here in Italy last Christmas, and was going to move back to the US after traveling Europe as a performer for several years.

Breon needed a few shots for his look book to bring back to the US for his upcoming casting sessions. We got in touch through my sister and her friends and we quickly arranged a day for the shoot. It was a pleasure working with Breon, and him being both an actor and a dancer helped a lot in the process. He was also very straightforward with what he needed and how, so in all it was a very challenging but rewarding session.

At the end of the session he asked me to go with my “vision”, and I panicked for a moment. Then I took some flashes, a couple of reflectors and I managed to create some drama (of course) and get him to look pretty badass. He’s actually a high-spirited and sunny guy.

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