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This is my good longtime friend Michele, just after a concert performed with his band Overload back when we were in university.

His band was one of the first I shot right when I started taking pictures with a certain regularity, and back then I was using my father’s Pentax film SLR. The first set I gave them was mostly blurry pictures, because I hadn’t learned yet how to manage shooting in very low light. I remember being a bit disappointed with that first set, and replying to their snarky comments with something along the lines of “it’s impossible to take pictures with that little light!”.

These were taken a few years after that, with a little more experience on my back. I knew what I was doing this time, so as an inside joke between me and the band I deliberately took pictures using motion blur. They didn’t all turned out ok, but I always liked the first shot not so much for the light streaks but for the blurriness of the shirt and the neck line. It gives some sort of poised energetic feel, given it should be a concert photography while it’s actually a picture of the frontman unloading gear from the stage after the gig.

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